Monday, July 22, 2013

Day 242 - Dizzy Up The Girl

It's been a dizzy 24 hours. Like, actually dizzy. I drank something yesterday that probably wouldn't bother anyone else in the world because it was all organic and healthy, but I get side effects to everything and the big one to this has been dizziness. Fun times! I'm hoping it goes away soon because for real? My brain feels crazynuts.

But, at least I look pretty today.

Day 242 - Dizzy Up The Girl

Aldwyn and I are "vacationing" on a little beach parcel this month. Once in a while we like to leave Bluebonnet and chill out somewhere else. Not to get away from anyone on the island because, quite frankly, hardly anyone is online when we are. LOL But we just like to go somewhere once in a while. This time we went to a place where SSB/A has already been rolled out since I have a lot of SL issues and the SSB/A seems to make it better. I can't wait for Sunshine to be rolled out all over the grid.

The title of this post is making me think of the Goo Goo Dolls, so I'll leave you guys with probably my favorite of their songs. [Although pretty much every song is my favorite. I love this group.]

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